Marie-Hélène Parant
Opening Show, Wednesday 23, 5 PM

On Wednesday May 23 2018, TOPO will present Fluxus∞, a visual and interactive installation by Marie-Hélène Parant wich she adapted for our window display. Fluxus∞ presents itself as a daily barometer of the shifting paradigms of our time and our interrelation with the environment. Fluxus∞ questions the impact of citizens on the positioning of our societies with regard to the environment. Fluxus∞ is showcasing scenery of Anticosti Island that are transformed via internet data flows such as environmental and energy newsfeeds on Twitter and through the presence of people near the video wall. Initially commissioned by the Canada Council for the Arts, Fluxus∞ was exhibited on the large videowall in the lobby of CAC in Ottawa for a year in 2015-2016.
Since 2010, Marie-Hélène Parant has adopted the environmental cause to protect Anticosti Island against shale gas and oil fracking. She has initiated two importants petitions against the fracking. The petitions have been tabled at the National Assembly of Quebec in 2011 and 2013. In July 2017, the Government of Quebec officially ended the exploration and exploitation of gas and oil on Anticosti. The island is currently on the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites promoted by the Government of Canada. Its recognition should be formalized within two years.
Where : TOPO’s Window Display / 5445 de Gaspé Ave. / Ground floor
When : May 23 to June 23, 2018
Opening Show : Wednesday May 23, 5 PM / Ground Floor, suite 107-B
![]() Marie-Hélène Parant is a visual and new media artist. She was borned in Québec City and proud of a metis heritage (québécois and anishinaabe ). She has a B.A. from Université Laval and an M.A. from Université du Québec à Montréal in visual and media arts, with parallel training in dance and music. She has received several grants from the Canada Council for the Arts and the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, and won awards in Italy and Finland. |
She has received several grants from the Canada Council for the Arts and the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, and won awards in Italy and Finland.Her installations, performances, videos and photography have been presented in several venues nationally and internationally, in Europe, Asia , Canada, the United States and Morocco.
Conception, direction, vidéographie et programmation / Marie-Hélène Parant
Programmation / Philippe Hughes et Alexandre Quessy avec la collaboration de David Fortman, Luca Scapellato et Robin Parmar
Tournage Anticosti / Guides et assistants (2015) André Pikutelekan et Herman Niquay
Guides et assistants au repérage (2011) Marc Lafrance et Caroline Laflamme
REMERCIEMENTS / SEPAC Anticosti, hébergement 2011 et 2015 /
Cycling74, Forum et conseils techniques en programmation MaxMSP / Commande d’oeuvre du Conseil des Arts du Canada