Detours: Poetics of the City invites you to explore the streets of Montreal through a series of reworked city transit maps, using photos, video, audio, drama, poetry and iconography to explore personal engagements with the city. The detour happens as a break from routine, an unexpected trip through the spaces of stories and small observations that are strewn across the everyday landscape. [+]
Taien Ng-Chan, Donna Akrey, Lance Blomgren, Gordon Neil Allen, Adrian Gorea, Emilie O’Brien, Samuel Thulin
Agence TOPO
Multimédia director: Vincent Archambault
Coordination: Marc Fournel
Production: Agence TOPO, 2011

Explore the streets of Montreal through a series of reworked city transit maps
Explore the streets of Montreal through a series of reworked city transit maps