COMPOSITE events bring together digital artists and entrepreneurs to share their projects and ideas, whether they are completed or in development, in a short creative format.
This initiative is the result of the Montreal Arts Council’s desire to make connections and generate cross-pollination between creators, artist-run centres, organisations, businesses, and professionals operating within the digital milieu. Our goal: to inspire, inspire… and inspire!
Spearheaded by OBORO and funded by the Montreal Arts Council, this 4th edition will take place on Tuesday, April 19, 2016, at 5:30 pm in Moment Factory’ new Montreal offices. Digital creatives, artist centres and collectives, businesses, and individual artists and professionals are invited to submit their projects by March 29th, 2016 at midnight at forum.composite@gmail.com.
Your application must include:
►Title of project / idea
►Full name and function of presenter
►Organization / affiliated business, if applicable
►Contact address, phone number, email
►Project category (art or business)
►Biography – 50 words maximum *Bilingual if possible
►Project description – 125 words maximum *Bilingual if possible
►Video link(s)
To find out more about previous editions:
► Composite #3 présented by Agence TOPO @ Maison Notman
Wednesday, February, 2016 > http://on.fb.me/1PZ6kTa
► Video of Composite #2 presented by MUTEK_IMG @ SID LEE
Tuesday, December 8, 2015 > http://bit.ly/1RHmDon
► Video of Composite #1 presented by MUTEK_IMG @ Phi Centre
Friday, October 2, 2015 > vimeo.com/144165225