Baron Lanteigne
Talk with Baron Lanteigne about Cinématographie de la matière virtuelle
On Thursday, February 16, a meet-and-greet was held with our artist-in-residence of the moment, Baron Lanteigne, about his work in progress. His residency work was titled Cinématographie de la matière virtuelle and was on display in our exhibition window from January 26 to March 11, 2023. It was also possible to follow his experiments online and he worked during his residency to set up audience interactions with the work via a Discord server.
The discussion took place in person in TOPO's studio on the 6th floor of 5455 de Gaspé, space #608. During the discussion, Baron Lanteigne presented in detail his work and the reflections that animated it. Among other things, he discussed real-time 3D with Unreal, parametric controls, the exploration of these with the game and the imperfections that result from them. The artist was also available to answer questions from the audience.

Photo credit: Elias Djemil-Matassov
Baron Lanteigne
Baron Lanteigne lives and works in Quebec City, Canada. The essence of his work emerges from infiltrations and collaborations with many web native communities. His work is part of online events and collections such as The Wrong Biennale,, Electrofringe, SPAMM, Glitch Artist Collective, FeltZine, MoCDA and many more. This online practice is exhibited worldwide at amongst others Ludwig Museum in Budapest (HU), Canadian Cultural Center in Paris (FR), Ramat Gan Museum of Israeli Art (IL), Mapping Festival (CH), Mirage Festival (FR), MUTEK (CA, JP), Dutch Design Week (NL), Sónar+D (ES), CPH:DOX (DK) and the Gwangju Media Platform (KR).