From left to right: Wild City Mapping (Cartographie ré-imaginée) by Dominic Ferraton and Maia Iotzova
Breach de Johann Baron Lanteigne and ARRAY by Lucas Paris
The Society for Arts and Technology (SAT), the Conseil québécois des arts médiatiques (CQAM), Agence TOPO, Eastern Bloc, ELEKTRA-BIAN, Labo NT2, OBORO, PRIM, Studio XX and Vidéographe are pleased to announce the 9th Labsessions event, taking place on Thursday January 21st 2016, from 5-8pm at Studio XX.
Three projects were selected and each artist, will do a short presentation (or demo) in front of those attending the event. Following the presentations and question periods, the partner organizations will provide constructive criticism through written commentaries and suggestions which will be sent to the artist later on.
9th Labsessions
Thursday January 21st 2016 from 5 pm to 8pm
Studio XX
4001, Berri Street, suite 201
Montréal (Québec) H2L 4H2
Free admission
Open to everyone
Artists and selected projects:
Dominic Ferraton and Maia Iotzova – Wildcitymapping
Johann Baron Lanteigne – Breach
Lucas Paris – ARRAY
In addition to the Labsessions, partner organizations might offer assistance to their sole discretion; which can take different forms depending on their respective mandate and resources (equipment loan, access to media labs, technical support, consultation or mentorship, access to an activity or a festival, etc.).
Since 2011, Labsessions aim to support emerging artists working in digital arts, and to give them the opportunity to showcase the work they do. Those events are also a networking place for artists, digital arts organizations attendees, cultural workers and the public.
SAT – Labsessions
514 844-2033 #214
labsessions (a) sat.qc.ca
514 527-5116
info (a) cqam.org