PARTY – Fundraising exhibition 2018 – December 12, 2018

INTER@MÉRIQUES – Convocatoria – TOPO y LatinArte se unen para proponer un programa de acompañamiento en arte digital – 12 diciembre 2018

Multiplateform Bootcamp 2019 – 5th edition – 4 Saturdays between January 26th and March 2nd, 2019

“I found your phone.” – Manuel Chantre – November 1st to December 1st, 2018

Creation for virtual reality with Unity – Workshop with Dpt. at TOPO – November 24 and 25, 2018

Workshop 360 video capture & postproduction – Waël Chanab – November 10th and 11th, 2018

Information meeting: fall workshops – 360 video capture & virtual reality – November 7th, 2018

Mary Jane, Alexis & Atom – Performance by Et tu, Machine – October 11th, 2018. 5pm

After Fukushima – Paysages de la catastrophe – Philippe Boisnard – Du 27 août au 4 septembre 2018

Culture – Et tu, Machine – September 7th to October 13th 2018

Classe de maître : Lundi 27 août, 14h – 17h -Introduction au langage GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) avec Philippe Boisnard