Manuel Chantre (Montréal) – June, 2018

Fluxus∞ – Marie-Hélène Parant – May 23 to June 23, 2018 – Video and Interactive Installation in TOPO’s Window Display

LABSESSIONS #14 – Call for proposals – Deadline, May 8 2018, 17 h

Recreational Live coding Meeting – Sunday, March 25, 2 PM to 6 PM

Habiter l’incertitude d’une vitrine – Publication numérique

Fundraising exhibition online – Inhabiting the uncertainty of the showcase – December 6, 2017 to December 6, 2018

Bootcamp multiplateforme 2018, 4 samedis entre le 20 janvier et le 3 mars 2018

Cuban Hat Pitch 2017 – Monday Novembre 13 at 7:30 PM